Tuesday 16 August 2011


The installation of pieces for recent works has included a photographic image and a sculptural element. The images have been documents of the development work for the sculpture or in the case of the bronzes, of the wax that I then invest for pouring. Here is a photograph of a bronze work and the image that accompanied it.


Because this is a studio blog I thought I would show a few images of the moulds that I have used to make the works. The first is plaster and was used to slipcast the stoneware forms and the second is acrylic and was used to create the plaster plates that I have used in earlier works. The last image is an interior shot from one of these pieces.

Monday 8 August 2011

Stoneware Hallway

I have pulled these 10 stoneware pieces of this work out of the kiln today. I glazed the two interior sides and then fired them at 1200 degrees. When they are assembled they make a hallway that can be viewed when you get down on your hands and knees. I will prepare better images when I exhibit.

Friday 5 August 2011

Some recent trials

My work tends to refer to hallways. I am posting these development pieces to watch how they progress. The plan is to cast them and to have them as an outdoor piece. I have been producing images that are shown with the sculpture and they usually reflect an earlier stage of production...so these mdf pieces will probably be photographed.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Interior Architecture Exhibition, Latrobe University VAC Bendigo

Here are some images of Hallway at the Latrobe University Visual Art Centre in Bendigo. The show was curated by Caroline Phillips and brought together a range of works that challenged the concept of Interior Architecture. Thank you Clare Rae for the images.

Starting Post

Welcome to my blog. My posts will be information and images about my work and things out and about that I am seeing.